Fedegari, once known for its sterilizers, has turned today into a one-stop industrial group that delivers highly customized solutions where the bio/pharmaceutical industry is producing sterile drugs. During the last years, Fedegari has developed fully integrated robotized solutions for different customers world-wide helping them to achieve the best performances and increasing cost-effectiveness. Hereunder you can find a couple of examples of turn-key integrated systems that we have engineered and developed, together with our customers, to reach the highest levels of cost-effectiveness in their pharmaceutical plants. No matter the form of the drug, the packaging, or the process, there is always a smarter, more cost-effective alternative in manufacturing.

Fedegari your one-stop solution provider.
Take a look at some solutions that Fedegari is able to provide to the most demanding customers.
Aseptic filling.
FFW – Fedegari flexible filling workcell.