PDA – Validation of Moist Heat Sterilization Processes
From 23rd to 25th of March, it will take place in person at Fedegari Facility in Sellerville (PA).
From 23rd to 25th of March, it will take place in person at Fedegari Facility in Sellerville (PA).
Based on PDA Technical Report No. 1: Validation of Moist Heat Sterilization Processes: Cycle Design, Development, Validation and Ongoing Control, this training course will provide a foundational understanding of sterilization science that can be applied in the selection of a cycle design approach, sterilization process development, process performance qualification and ongoing process control. Hands-on activities will include actual sterilization cycle operations and execution with data review. The class will then participate in brainstorming over possible solutions to challenges. If the attendee can bring an example of the load item, it will be integrated into the autoclave execution.* This training course has hands-on lab activities.
Moreover, during the training, it will be shown how to calibrate the Kaye equipment applied to Fedegari autoclaves.
*PDA courses generally run from 8:30 to 16:00 each day. Breakfast will not be provided, but lunch will be provided.
This training course will take place in person, with a limited number of 8 people, at Fedegari Tech Center USA located in Sellersville (PA) within Fedegari Technologies, Inc. facilities.
In Fedegari Tech Center USA customers can benefit from technical support, training and R&D personnel expertise on process and cycle development.
Fedegari Tech Center USA is equipped with the following process machines for hands-on training and tests:
Lab Division:
BINDER incubator
Industrial Division:
FCDV – Chemical bio-decontamination unit (hydrogen peroxide)
FOAF – Steam sterilizer / Steam-air Sterilizer (moist-heat)
FOWS – Washer-sterilizer
FOW – Super-heated water sterilizer
Request your customized training offer to acquire deeper knowledge about specific subjects.
We will cover the science behind the processes and practical advice to guarantee the highest performances to your team.