trasformazione sostenibile sustainable transformation
Sustainable transformation throughout the Group
19 January 2022
Agalloco Training
7 June 2022

Sustainable transformation throughout the Group


The pilot project began at our Swiss headquarters and this represented the first step in the group’s new sustainable transformation strategy.​​​​​​​


Focused on sustainable growth, Fedegari has decided to restructure the Swiss headquarters with a total green approach.

The first step in implementing a sustainable transformation for Fedegari Group as a whole is utilizing the clean energy generated by the new photovoltaic system and recycling the process water used in the testing area. These investments are key factors in our restructuring plan and they will benefit all Fedegari manufacturing plants by 2025 with little impact on the environment.

Solar panels at the Swiss facility

The program

The ecological transition program has begun at the Swiss headquarters focused on four main points:

  • reduction of the environmental impact linked to the production and testing of machines;
  • more efficient management of energy and water sources in the factories;
  • redesign of product life cycle and related energy consumption;
  • program for employee involvement in environmental sustainability actions.

Our group proposes this green approach with intentions of involving the entire production and working structure. For example, the company canteen is moving towards the total elimination of plastic components while the use of recyclable products is going to be implemented throughout the company. On the production side, laboratory machines will be redesigned with a greener perspective which will further improve machine’s efficiencies without compromising performances.

Green energy

Initially, the heating and cooling of the Swiss headquarters used about 40,000 liters of diesel fuel per year. This included 30,000 cubic meters of the workshop space. But with the installation of the current photovoltaic system, the headquarters will become completely self-sufficient for the entire needs of the plant, saving over 120 t of COper year.


Water recycling system

In addition to our solar panels that have an absorbing capacity of 360 kW/h, the green approach also includes a water recycling system. With this new system in place, water from the pickling plants will always be recovered to be re-used during the machines factory acceptance tests.

Paolo Fedegari, President of the Group

” Recycling water from our industrial processes helps us to protect our planet natural resources by dramatically reducing waste. This is just the first step for a complete change in our company’s philosophy. It is no longer enough sorely working on process optimization, we now have to make a strong transition ton fighting off climate change” says Paolo Fedegari, President of the Group.

International partner

The second phase of the program will significantly impact the main production site in Albuzzano, Pavia

During this phase, Fedegari has been supported by DEERNS in collaboration with OneWorkstwo companies globally recognized for cutting-edge projects such as the “vertical forest” in Milan and Citylife.

Swiss Headquarters Solar Panel Performance

Headquarter in Albuzzano, Pavia, Italy

ESG Criteria

The group transformation will be based on the criteria of ESG: Environment, Social, Governance. These criteria measure environmental impact (E), respect for social values (S) and aspects of good management (G). The Albuzzano site project, in fact, provides for the expansion of the production site with the optimization of facilities which include the construction of a new warehouserenovation of the canteen and offices and new leisure areas for employees.

The primary focus of these ESG parameters is implementing the new organizational and production models. These models are aimed to create value for both the company and our society from a three-year strategy starting in 2022-2025.

This sustainable expansion project represents a declaration of intent that recognizes the responsibility and commitment of entrepreneurs to implement concrete actions towards continuous growth.

Our vision is to ensure that our company has the opportunity to create a bright future through rational use of our resources that will continue to produce value over time. Today we have to make conscious and sustainable choices from an infrastructure point of view and from the overall management of the group” – continues Paolo Fedegari.

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